Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Great Day!

Today Ian had a special visit from Mike and Jane. He was so excited that they were coming to visit. OH WHAT A GRAND TIME! He played and giggled and thought his new friends were the best thing on the planet. Ian and Mike created a new splashing game and when they left all Ian could say was "Mike Splash the Water..Mike Splash the Water" Ian just went down for his nap and he keeps chanting "Mike and Jane Again...Miss them..miss them" I think he will have sweet dreams of his great morning and his wonderful friends.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Fabulous Fourth!

Ian had a great 4th of July at his Papa and Mema's house. It is always a treat for him to be there. He played with bubbles, ate watermelon and just loved waving Old Glory! Of course he loved all of the hugs and loves from Papa and Mema too.