Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kindergarten Feast

As if being in kindergarten wasn't cool enough, they go and throw the most fantastic feast. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, muffins and pumpkin and apple pie. And the kicker is the kindergarteners made it all!! The parents were their servers. Imagine 102 little bundles of energy all in a small space with one thing in common..they wanna eat and they wanna eat NOW. It was such a fun event and mom had a blast being a server.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween Fun

It has been a busy month!! Oct was about Halloween for the kids. First Ian wanted to go to the pumpkin patch with his Papa. From this trip we discovered Ian is a pumpkin have to find one that is just right and it could take over a half hour to do so. We didnt get many pics of this event...I think maybe Daddy had pumpkin exhaustion.

So after a year of deciding, Ian was going to be either Iron Man or Optimus Prime(he got both costumes) and Zoe decided to be Ariel. They were so excited and wore their costumes daily pretending to trick or treat. When the eve came to go out for real there must have been some kind of wacky costume machine upstairs because this is what they came down stairs as. Regardless of what they wore, they had a blast with their friend Joely who they spend every Halloween with!