Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Feed Me Seymour

Okay I was NOT ready for this but Zoe is now eating cereal. She did great her first time. It may not look like it but she DID get some on the inside too!

True Love

We know that the honeymoon can end at any time so we cherish these moments when Ian declares his love for Zoe. He is a great big brother!

Get the Camera Mommy!

These were the words I heard this evening coming from the living room. When I went in there I found these cuties cuddling on the couch. I'm one lucky Mama!

Rollie Pollie Ollie

Zoe can now roll from her tummy to her back. I think it is more of a top heavy thing but she IS rolling. When the roll is complete she kind of just looks up at you as if she is saying, "What happened?"

Christmas Angels

Ian and Zoe were being angels with Papa on Christmas eve. Here they got some snuggles in before Santa arrived.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Cousins & Cookies

Life cannot get much sweeter. This week Ian and Zoe got to go to Papa and Mema's house to make Christmas cookies with his cousins. They had a great time. Ian especially enjoyed the sprinkles and of course eating the cookies! Zoe enjoyed the cookies a little later when she had her milk!

Monday, December 12, 2005


Can these cheeks get any more squeezable?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I Want Buzz

Those were the first words out of Ian's mouth when he went up to Santa even BEFORE he sat down. Ian had a great chat with Santa and Santa informed him that he had been waiting for Ian to come and see him. This was extra special for Ian. So, Ian asked for a Buzz and was so delighted when Santa exclaimed...BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!! Santa is the man!!