Friday, February 15, 2008

Can you say BLACKMAIL?

Every parent has it..that one photo that will just embarrass the pants off a kid when they are teenagers. Luckily for us...we have MANY of such photos. Not that we really intend to use them but this gem will be in our back pocket just in case!

Seriously, this was a great play day for Ian and Zoe. We had friends over in the morning then lunch and THEN...princess time. It was just so sweet. They dressed up together and Zoe taught Ian how to be a princess. She would say "Now you need lipstick and a bracelet. See, you are a princess." It really only lasted long enough for me to snap a couple pics then Ian was out of that dress and back fighting the Decepticons!!

A boy and his pup

We were a little skeptical when we first got Choxie as to how the relationship would go with Ian. He was terrified of her nibbling him and wouldnt set foot on the ground for a week. But nowadays they are best friends..she still nibbles but he has learned that it is only a phase and her being his best puppy is worth a nibble here or there.